Wow I think its been over a year
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
I am just happy to know that there are more and more new members.. And I want all of you to know I'm gonna Love you until You love yourself, then I know I will Love you even more. Hang in there , I PROMISE, IT WILL PASS! send me a email I will mail you back. skydove@myself.com
Im writing my autobiography
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
First, this is not spam. My name is David S and I have been in recovery for the last 13 years.Having cerebral palsy, dealing with drug addiction, living through two open-heart surgeries and my own death, I have decided to take a leap of faith and write my autobiography.Please check out my video at the l...
Recovery Surveys
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
Are You a Member or a Former Member of a 12-Step Fellowship? Complete an online survey and enter for a chance to win an Amazon.com gift card! If you are a member of AA or NA or if you were a member in the last year, you are invited to participate in a 25-40 minute online survey about your experiences as a 12-...
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
We have never seen an addict relapse who throughly "LIVES" the Program! My story is like so many others....I lived to use and used to live. Very simple! Brief History: Both parents addicts. One of five children. We ate depending upon whether they got to the Grocery Store first or the Liq...
Looking for volunteers to take part in a focus group on sponsors in the San Diego, CA area.
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
Are you in AA/NA?Do you have a sponsor? Are you a sponsor?Looking for volunteers to take part in a focus group examining aspects of the AA/NA model that are helpful.Volunteers must be a current member of AA/NA and have a sponsor or be a sponsor.Participation is completely voluntary and will involve a...
The Fifth White Chip
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
Hi there, my name is Karen and Im a recovering drug addict. I recently joined Writing Class Radio in hopes that having a creative outlet would help me better understand and come to terms with my addiction. For the next 90 days, Ill be taking over the WCR blog and sharing my journey of recovery. If telling...
Recovery Coaching
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
Hi Everyone, My name is Jennifer and I'm an alcoholic/addict. I'm clean and sober today, and I'm also a recovery coach student. I'd never heard of recovery coaching back in the day, and I wonder if one might have been helpful. I'd like to be for others what I wish I'd had - a partner on the path. I am req...