february 3 just for today
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
February 3 We Need Each Other "Anyone may join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity creed, religion, or lack of religion." Basic Text p. 9 Addiction closed our minds to anything new or different. We didn't need anyone or anything, we thought. There was nothing of value to be found i...
february 4 just for today
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
February 4 Feeling Good Isn't The Point "For us, recovery is more than just pleasure." Basic Text p. 42 In our active addiction, most of us knew exactly how we were going to feel from one day to the next. All we had to do was read the label on the bottle or know what was in the bag. We planned our fee...
february 5 just for today
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
February 5 Keep Coming Back! "We are grateful that we were made so welcome at meetings that we felt comfortable." Basic Text p. 80 Remember how scared we were when we walked into our first NA meeting? Even if we walked in with a friend, most of us recall how difficult it was to attend that first...
february 6 just for today
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
February 6 I Can't - We Can "We had convinced ourselves that we could make it alone and proceeded to live life on that basis. The results were disastrous and, in the end, each of us had to admit that self-sufficiency was a lie" Basic Text p. 59 "I can't, but we can." This simple but pr...
february 8 just for today'
Narcotics Anonymous Message Board
February 8 What Is A Sponsor? "an NA sponsor is a member of Narcotics Anonymous, living our program of recovery, who is willing to build a special, supportive, one-on-one relationship with us."IP No. 11, "Sponsorship, Revised" What is a sponsor? You know: That nice person wi...