I cant seem to break away from cocaine and i seem to be dragged back into it by my friend who supplies me, Advice?
Im 24 and i started using cocaine at 14, I come from a very dysfunctional family but after getting a good job i came off it and stopped hanging out with those type of friends,especially this certain guy who got really pissed off that i wasn't around anymore, We now hang out again and he supplies me with co...
Why of why, my heart sorrows
I wish I had the answer, the magic words to make other suffering addicts seeking a better life see the light, be able to grab hold of this NA program and find the hope and peace it has given me. Yet I know I do not and cannot and never will. All the collective experience, strength and hope of tens of thousand...
Mike M
JFT January 18 The simple inventory
January 18The simple inventoryContinuing to take a personal inventory means that we form a habit of looking at ourselves, our actions, our attitudes, and our relationships on a regular basis.Basic Text, p. 42=The daily inventory is a tool we can use to simplify our lives. The most complicated par...
Dave R
Hi Sullen,, more history pics !!
JFT January 17 Forgiveness
January 17ForgivenessAs we realize our need to be forgiven, we tend to be more forgiving. At least we know that we are no longer intentionally making life miserable for people.Basic Text, pp. 39-40=In our addiction we often treated others badly, sometimes deliberately finding ways to make their...
Dave R
GRATEFUL!! New to NA & New to here...
Hi, my name is Rob and I am an addict. WOW, it feels GREAT to say that without a qualifying statement of some kind or another! I'm 44 years old, an 18 month member of AA and an out-patient with 6 & 1/2 months clean & sober. I've been a member over across the cyber-hall at the AA MIP Board for about 16...
Need some info....early recovery
where can i find personal stories of recovery....i'm looking for literature about experiences with early recovery and success...something written not less than 5 years ago...i really think this would help me a lot in addition to the other things i know i must do (prayer, meetings, sponsor, etc).....
Not Strung Out
I mis-posted this on the AA board, so apologies for double-dipping, but I meant it for here. :) The snow is blowing dense and fast, completely parallel to the ground, dumping about a foot and half so far, no signs of letting up. I am having my favorite snowed-in, planned ahead for it, non-vegetarian san...
Hi everyone I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kim and I am an addict. I have 23 months clean and I am quickly approaching my two year mark. My drugs of choices were narcotic pain meds and meth. I am new to this board and I will share more of my story later but right now I need to go.
one of my abandoned buildings shots
an old, abandoned state hospital.....
All's well in Paradise !!
Heres some the hoilday pics folks,,,
inscecure, worried....prayers please
I've been unemployed since July. I've had a few interviews since then. On Thursday, I received a call regarding my resume. The company is local (no more hellish commute to D.C. every day), the money is more than what I made in D.C. law firms and the culture of the company seems like it would be a good fi...
JFT January 15 Fear
January 15FearWe grow to feel comfortable with our Higher Power as a source of strength. As we learn to trust this Power, we begin to overcome our fear of life.Basic Text, p. 25=Powerless as we are, living on self-will is a frightening, unmanageable experience. In recovery, we have turned our will...
Dave R
SOS,,,,,,,,,Some ESH on this please folks !!!
Hi all. Here it is,, what do recovering addicts do to cope with spouses, girlfriends, partners that drink and are not alcoholics ? Im facing issues here,,,and would appreciate shares on this please !
Deb goes to the dentist.
Yesterday I sat in my dentist's chair for about 2 hours having a tooth extracted. I go back AGAIN tomorrow to have a crown put on another tooth. Now, I've been through labor and I have always had a high pain tolerance BUT yesterday I realllllly felt the pain from the surgery. It took forever to get that t...
A new topic, a new life
I have been led here through the grace of God, I am sure. I am in the process of defining exactly what that/He/She looks like for me, and based on what I have been reading, that is a journey that takes a while. It has taken many years of trying to tell myself that I am not an addict for me to realize that I am an ad...
JFT January 14 A loving God
January 14A loving GodOur understanding of a Higher Power is up to us.... The only suggested guidelines are that this Power be loving, caring, and greater than ourselves.Basic Text, p. 24=Weve been told that we can believe in any kind of Higher Power we want as long as it is loving and, of course, grea...
Dave R
JFT January 13 Surrender to win
January 13Surrender to winHelp for addicts begins only when we are able to admit complete defeat.Basic Text, p. 22=Complete defeatwhat a concept! That must mean surrender. Surrenderto give up absolutely. To quit with no reservations. To put up our hands and quit fighting. Maybe to put up o...
Dave R
Early in recovery....
For those of you who have lots of clean time, could you share with me your experiences with early recovery and what got you to really stick it out and stay with the program and work the steps? Did you relapse and come back stronger? What was it that kept you following through and sticking it out? I am ne...
New here...first day clean....waiting for the sick to hit me...
I took my last 1/4 oxy yesterday at 3 p.m. I have been using them pretty much non stop for the past year. other stuff like vicodin/hydros for years before that off and on. I had no trouble ever quitting the hydrocodones before but once i started on the oxys...well you all know the drill. the withdrawl...
I got approved for my new apt which will make me feel better in the long run have to b put on a waiting list but it will come as God sees fit today is kinda a bad day for me this is the day I had my first doctors appointment with the party I had so many issues with it's now been 2 years I am a bit worried scared lonely a...
So so lost, please help
So little history, I'm a recovering opiate addict; was using oc daily for five years then another two, last two, trying to give it up. I've been doin good lately but not all for the right reasons. Since the op ones came out prices sky rocketed on oc so consequently I reluctantly did heroin two times about...
JFT January 12 Spiritual awakenings
January 12Spiritual awakeningsHaving had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps...Step Twelve=How will I know when I have had a spiritual awakening? For many of us, a spiritual awakening comes gradually. Perhaps our first spiritual awareness is as simple as a new appreciation for lif...
Dave R
Helping Love Grow
At times reflecting back to my active drug using years ,a concept ,not profound,but seemingly entirely foreign to me, was that of thinking of others before myself(can anyone feel that?),my total self centeredness(the core of our illness,my illness)and my journey to now,by God's grace in helpi...
JFT January 11 Faith
January 11FaithAs we develop faith in our daily lives, we find that our Higher Power supplies us with the strength and guidance that we need.Basic Text, p. 94=Some of us come into recovery very frightened and insecure. We feel weak and alone. We are uncertain of our direction and dont know where to g...
Dave R
JFT January 10 Gratitude
January 10GratitudeIm very grateful to have come to believe.IP No. 21, The Loner=Belief in a Higher Power can make all the difference when the going gets tough! When things dont go our way in recovery, our sponsor may direct us to make a gratitude list. When we do, we should include our faith in a Pow...
Dave R
Sob story from a sob,,,,
Hi all, here is sad-sack again,, with another woeful moanin............ Hellfire and havoc,, Gods sake, what an addict like me can land in..... a fab woman, great shows, a fantastic holiday place to be in,,,Utopian,, and everythin goes to dogs because of perceptions. My distorted thinking.........
I am new to the program and am working on recovery...one day at a time. I have seen subtle changes come about already. My husband got laid off from his job yesterday. I have been unemployed since early July. We are being swallowed by debt. I pray for faith, courage and strength. I spoke with my spon...
The Steps are Optional!
The Steps are suggested only, I don't have to work the Steps if I don't want to. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using. What a relief, thought I might have to put some effort into this recovery thing! I can just keep doing the things I've always done, behave the way I've always beh...
Mike M
My Magic Chair
I have a Chair, a very special magical Chair. For years I seached for this Chair looking many places many ways to find this Chair. I finally found this Chair back in 1980 in a room of addicts. It's my Chair, you can't have it. I paid a high price for this Chair, it's mine, nobody can take my Magic Chair from me...
Mike M