"We must give freely and gratefully that which has been freely and gratefully given to us."
Basic Text p. 47
In recovery, we receive many gifts. Perhaps one of the greatest of these gifts is the spiritual awakening that begins when we stop using, growing stronger each day we apply the steps in our lives. The new spark of life within is a direct result of our new relationship with a Higher Power, a relationship initiated and developed by living the Twelve Steps. Slowly, as we pursue our program, the radiance of recovery dispels the darkness of our disease.
One of the ways we express our gratitude for the gifts of recovery is to help others find what we've found. We can do this in any number of ways: by sharing in meetings, making Twelfth Step calls, accepting a commitment to sponsorship, or volunteering for H&I or phoneline duty. The spiritual life given to us in recovery asks for expression, for " we can only keep what we have by giving it away."
Just for today: The gift of recovery grows when I share it. I will find someone with whom to share it.
By sharing in another addicts recovery ,we become visions of hope,we are examples of the program working and the joy of living clean is an attraction to those still sick and suffering.If you are new here ,new to recovery or just coming around,we "celebrate life" with you.By continued effort the joy of living clean no longer remains an attraction but turns into reality.Stick around we need you!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.