18 months of meetings and for the first time lastnight I alowed myself to be vanurable! I had an emotional breakdown at my home group last night and it felt so freeing. I have a real problem with people seeing me week and broken, I think it's because thats how I saw myself for so manny years befor recovery. Alowing others in and being real is something I have been working on in step 6 so I conceder last nights breakdown a compleat success! To my surprize the world didnt come to an end, and no one was scared away . Just the opposit happened I was embraced with love form my NA family. What an amazing way to live! I love NA!
People want to see that it's real life stuff coming up, honesty and truth keep it up I cry myself sometimes and i'm a big man but inside i'm sometimes just a broken child needing to dump junk, thanks for sharing we can.
you are growing in leaps and bonds...i'm so happy for you!!!
i know too how it feels to cry while sharing at a meeting , the good kind of cry that once you're finished you feel refreshed and relieved to finally get whatever it was, out into the light. where we can see it and deal with it. it loses it's power over us then.
keep sharing with us we can, you inspire me...huge hugs and love peggy