I think I'm going to stop smoking, it's just not the same without drugs. Guess in the way some only smoke when they drink, I liked to smoke when I was on something. Now it just makes me feel more nauseaous(don't think that's spelled right)
I smoke too its a nasty terribly bad habit and i'm sorta a health freak and feel hypicritical as hell smoking , I know people smell it when I go to the gym LOL but i'm alot bigger then they are so they never say anything .
So true what Dalin said... First Things First... One At A Time...
My experience has been such that I strongly believe that I wouldn't be able to quit doing something unless it has given me unbearable pain and I have picked up what I need to, from that habit or addiction... Only when I'm beaten do I become willing... And as far as my smoking is concerned, I have never seriously thought about quitting it, except for once when I made an online Nicotine Anonymous meeting and had a chat with one of the recovering Nicotine Addict there... But after that, maybe after a couple of days of contemplation of Nicotine Stop, I gave it up... and continue to smoke... However, my wife has stopped, now she is over 3 months SMOBER!!!
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.
I gained alot of weight the first year I was sober (70 pounds) I was emaciated from vomitting all the time. Anyhow I just ate ate ate ate,,, Marie Calender pies sometimes 2 a week.
Finally after a few years I got up to almost 300 pounds LOL and I said THATS IT no more weight and I got down to 280 and stayed there for awhile. Just recently I tried a different diet and got down to 265 it was Hard and I did'nt keep at it for long you can only eat so many salads a day and drink so many protein shakes .
I have an eating disorder also i'm addicted to CARBS but I just try to fight it.
I gag on my first smoke in the morning thats the body reflexing to something it does not like, I know it's bad but first things first like the guys are saying Adriana.
I have gained 40 pounds over the last couple of years, compulsive eating is another of my pasttimes. I starved myself on and off forever , and if i wasn't doing that I was making myself throw up....so I am trying to NOT obsess over my weight, not right now. I haven't felt like eating this past week, think I've lost a few pounds, but as soon as I feel better i am going to start exercising (for my weight and to relieve stress)
I saw your pic v, in one of the old posts (fishing) you look good
There is a recovery slogan in Nicotine Anonymous that goes "Weight Can Wait"...
So, probably I can say in my recovery in NA something like "Nicotine Can Wait"...
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.