Thanks for posting baby girl. I hope you at least stick around long enough to read this.
I smoked it everyday for 39 years. MJ wasn't the problem, I was. It took me forever to realize this. It wasn't until I finally stopped that it dawned on me that I have problems...and it wasn't the drugs.
I have no idea what you should do. We suggest those coming into the program don't do anything drastic for 1 yr. What happens is that instead of focusing on our recovery...we start focusing our attentions on seeking the attention of a lover who's affirmation is all we need to make everything right....In other words we stop working on ourselves.
But I'm not your age, and I wouldn't dare tell someone they should deprive themselves from being with someone as special as you are. So for no try not to use around him. If you can't....then maybe you need to come back into the rooms. I hope it works for you.