Living just for today relieves the burden of the past and the fear of the future. We learned to take whatever actions are necessary and to leave the results in the hands of our Higher Power.
Basic Text, p. 94
In our active addiction, fear of the future and what might happen was a reality for many of us. What if we got arrested? lost our job? our spouse died? we went bankrupt? and on, and on, and on. It was not unusual for us to spend hours, even whole days thinking about what might happen. We played out entire conversations and scenarios before they ever occurred, then charted our course on the basis of what if... By doing this, we set ourselves up for disappointment after disappointment.
From listening in meetings, we learn that living in the present, not the world of what if, is the only way to short-circuit our self-fulfilling prophecies of doom and gloom. We can only deal with what is real today, not our fearful fantasies of the future.
Coming to believe that our Higher Power has only the best in store for us is one way we can combat that fear. We hear in meetings that our Higher Power wont give us more than we can handle in one day. And we know from experience that, if we ask, the God weve come to understand will surely care for us. We stay clean through adverse situations by practicing our faith in the care of a Power greater than ourselves. Each time we do, we become less fearful of what if and more comfortable with what is.
Just for today: I will look forward to the future with faith in my Higher Power.
.......Just for today: I will look forward to the future with faith in my Higher Power start,,,my 'higher power' was the collective support of the other addicts in the group...I learned it was best to call -every- day,,,at least once a day,whether I felt 'at risk' or not.
.........once I started to practice prayer,,I found that the same concept applies to results seem to happen when I remember to remember my higher power -every- day,,,,,not just when I 'need' the connection.
...........may all beings be well!
...gawd,,,please don't let me -ever- forget why I came here in the first place!!(my 'senility' prayer)
I know I can only look forward not to my past because that may take me no where street of misery.I truly believe that the higher power is there to help me in the future .