I have been inHouston for the past week with socail anxiety trip got cut short...I got home sick :P missed mom and being close to her although this was the best time i have had since all the pysco shrinks bullshit on here for me to leave town and relax with no worries of "is he around to find me?" thank God I had the courage to change that situation only if it was a short time I love meeting the ppl I am staying with the trip was supposed to be longer things in thier situation didnt allow me to stay plus anxiety still won!
but i do know I am capable of having the courage to come out her as I try to focus on the postive ascepts of being here.
Going to the beach tomorrow to walk the borad walk and attempt to put my feet in with out worries of bites stings and all other ocean type things attacking my feet ewe but i need to conquier the fear of the ocean my uncle ruined it as i was younger with JAWS go figure lol
hope this finds you blessed!
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Glad you were able to get away if even for just a short while. I understand about anxiety and being away from loved ones. But this was a huge step for you, so I'm glad you found the courage to do it. Good things will come from this I'm sure. Thanks for stopping by and letting us know how it went.
WE make progress ,a day ,a little at a time.Fear=False Evidence Appearing Real...WE face them and put them behind..(Jaws didn't bite your feet off,but now you will know that :) My grams told me if I get out of bed the thing under the bed would bite my feet off when I was little.......that kept me sparky for long time...Nice job grams,,,,As I was older I would purposely hang my feet over the bed and sit and tell myself ain't nothing gonna bite them off...(sure glad nothin did :) Anyway glad you moved forward,found some joy,a little dent in the anxiety.......Progress not perfection!!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.