I wanted to share with everyone a little piece of how NA has worked in my life today.
My sister who 13 years ago stepped over me while I was detoxing on the floor and on my 1 year anniversary asked me if I wanted a parade for doing what "normal" people do everyday; has left me with her children for the day. Not only did she leave them with me but when I asked to spend some time with them (which I do several times a week) she thanked me for wanting to babysit. These are true gifts. Finally, the 3 year old left a $1.00 on the table. I gave it back to her and was able to give her one more for her piggy bank. This is not the person who walked into the rooms of NA, broken and beaten. Never alone, never again.
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.