On this day ,December 2nd ,1984 ,6 months into my third marriage and the insanity of not only making the same mistakes and expecting different results,but knowing based on the evidence what the results would be I "came to" on the floor of a farm house in Rhinebeck New York, lifted my head and begged for mercy. For the first time in my long life of devastation I knew I was defeated.The early years were very difficult but God had allowed me to make,I believe a last choice to go on to the same .the jails institutions ,deriliction or death or find a "new' way to live.25 years of active drug addiction from the age of a child(before 12 years old) I didnt know another way but Through the guidance of my Higher Power ,whom I call God,and the application of our solution in our program Narcotics Anonymous,the steps,worked with a sponsor and giving back what was freely given to me,this day I celebrate 'LIFE" 27 years free of active drug addiction but I continue to show up to work on the rest of our illness the mental and spiritual part that lets us seek the exact nature of what and who we really are. Please join me today in prayer and gratitude .Truly blessed,our message is hope and our promise is freedom!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
One Day at a Time It Works! Thanks for sharing your 27th NA Birthday, your 27 year testament of One Day at a Times Clean, each day Clean another Miracle, another Gift from on High.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
Congratulations! Glad you surrendered. We came in close to the same time. My clean date is October 6, 1984.
Damn, thar b sum Clean time hangin' 'round this forum. Not that Clean time means squat, except it does as proof of the pudding. Just between you MikeF and I 85 years worth of Clean One Day at a Times, I'd say that's some pretty good proof NA works!
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
happy birthday! its so niced when someone has alot of years and shows us all that it can be had. the choice is ours if we want it bad enough then we will do what is suggested of us. congrats to you and again thanks for sharing.
kelly lofquist
Dont stress over what couldve been, chances are if it shouldve been, it wouldve been...
Alongthe way, we were given the opportunity bythe NationalNarcotics Agency(BNN) tocooperatein terms ofprovingthe truth ofthesefindingswithNGOsthatdeal withaddictionanddrug abuseintheMakassarFoundationCareGroupof Narcoticsand DrugAbuseDrugs(YKP2N), whichAdhiyaksaaddress at JalanRaya. 11Makassar.
During the process of proving the benefits HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS in its function as a cure of drug dependence, we accompanied and supervised by a physician and a psychiatrist (psychologist) in dealing with drug users. Here we tell from the little experience that we noted in the proof of drug treatment in Makassar YPK2N starting from October 17, s / d December 2, 2010.
The methodis verysimpleto do, namelydrug userswere giventherapeutictreatment usingHerbalHERBAL ANTI NARCOTICSwithout having to stoptaking drugsby force. This therapy isperformed onelevenusers.
Ofeach groupis further divided into3 (three) types of users, namely: 1.usersputaw 2.ecstasyusers 3.MethadoneUsers/usermix
Implemented prior to therapy, performed prior Inform Consent. History of drug users recorded by carefully covering when to start using drugs, recreational drugs and therapies that ever lived.
Performed a physical examination by a physician include Vital Sign and other diseases that may accompany it include HIV / Aids, Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Disease and others.
Laboratory examination is to test blood used (ie CD4) and urine tests (to detect the type of drug used), and other laboratory tests when needed.
Drug users also tested by a psychologist with the psychological condition of predetermined criteria, and the companion rate by using the IRA.
Drug users at follow-up every day by the companion and examination by a doctor every week or when needed. And the result they gradually stop taking the drug because it loses its effect as compared with Herbs HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS.
The results oftreatment performed on11 (eleven) people treatedalmost entirelyfree fromanykind ofdrugdependence, and some have participated in this programin just over1 (one) monthonly.
The conclusionwe candraw fromtheevidenceare :
Herbal HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS treating various drug cases with more humane because without the need to be isolated.
With Herbal HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS, drug addiction sufferers do not have to be forced to stop taking drugs, but by itself will stop because its effect is replaced by herbal HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS, just need the will to quit.
Herbal HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS able to relieve the conditions experienced by addicted drug users.
For users of drugs other than methadone types, Herbal reaction HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS will work faster.
Several other effects can be felt with the Chapter to be normal, increased weight, normal sleep patterns, feeling aches that felt lost and some HIV positive people with no increase in his CD4 cell count.
Herbal HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS not a substitution therapy, because patients can stop taking the herbal dependence if it feels it has healed.
The advantages of therapy with a drug dependence treatment HERBAL ANTI NARCOTICS Herbs include: relatively short treatment time, the cost is affordable, effective treatment success, and can be done alone at home without having to be isolated.
Finally, after learning about it what else you are waiting, to convey to the relatives, friends or colleagues who need this information, to be cured for a brighter future and better.