I ordered some flea med from Petmeds on the web and when it arrived it had a free package of Catnip and it looked exactly like pot down to the small stems and seed. Good strong Micro Brew and big fat joints of green buds were my favorite drugs so I was more then a little shocked. Even after I turned it over and saw the label I had to open it to confirm that it was catnip. It was and the Cat got high. I don't know what I would have done if it had been pot. Kind of brought back alot of memories some bab but also the goodtimes of early using before it got out of control. We recover but we're never cured. Bob.
CCB Kind of funny the things that will set us off. I have my hardest time when I am going to one of my favorite fishing holes. It is in Canada, and I always get squirrely on the drive up. I have been clean a while now, but that drive still brings out the war stories. When I go back there I always make sure that I am traveling with other recovering addicts. People who understand me, and have been told in advance to expect me to get a little nuts on the drive. It is a place of magic memories, not so much of the using I did there, but of the spiritual awakening that occurred there a couple of years after I cleaned up. Lon
Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.----Alice Mackenzie Swaim