I'm ok. not great and not horrible. still in some pain from the accident but im back at work and this weekend im going on vacation to mackinaw city in michigan. im still a bit down in the dumps. my boyfriend moved home to virginia because of some roomate issues and he got kicked out of the house he was renting so now we are 300 miles apart and my phone took a huge shit yesterday and wont turn on so now i have to go buy a new one. and im trying to do laundry for vacation and we have no soap. figures in my house we dont have anything. but im doing ok...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
nope you know what scratch that whole im doing ok shit. im not. im so f*cking mad i could kill everyone. and cry my eyes out. people are so rude its ridiculous and i cant deal with it anymore!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
We are powerless over so much. Every day i'm reminded how unmanageable my life is. I surrender to my higher powers will, and my burdens get more bearable. It took me many many years to learn that when I get in sync with my higher power, my life is ok... when I'm doing it my way it turns to shit. I so wish I could one of those people who seem to have their shit together all the time. Y'know? the ones who seem to live a smooth, orderly life...even when life hits them hard, they somehow manage to take it in stride. I am so NOT one of those people. But I found through working the steps of NA that I can face more than i ever would have believed. As my faith grows, my life becomes easier. funny how things work sometimes.