So now i'm hooked on Copenhagen, chew, but hell my lungs are dying i have signs of COPD/ephasema, at 49 years old i cant let this continue.
so i've cut way back on smoking and feel better already, at least my breathing is better a lot less wheezing and not waking up at night trying to catch my breathe man i dont want to die that death of slow suffocation.
Kicking cigs was harder than anything else. I must have relapsed a hundred or more times. It is truly 'one is too many and a thousand never enough' but they are a bona fide killer. You gotta stop smoking ..not an option.
I've had about 10 today the desire is becoming less each day. I went threw a can of chew in the last 3 days bought 2 more today but its helping kicking the actual smoking habit i know i'm exchanging one for the other but i'm a puss LOL next i'm getting some gum and start replacing that with the chew, then its lolli pops time
Hang in Vin! I did it all around same time,talk about twitchin!!! I was burning up to 3 packs a day in 1983 year before I surrendered.Out to sea, in Armed forces, could buy a carton for $1.00 is that sick or what.Used to trade for whiskey in overseas ports off back of ship with boats would come in at night when we were anchored or docked....I am so sensitive now to smoke that is really affects'll be really glad you kicked it and get some clean time in that area!!!I'll keep you in prayer.........
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.