I wish I had the answer, the magic words to make other suffering addicts seeking a better life see the light, be able to grab hold of this NA program and find the hope and peace it has given me. Yet I know I do not and cannot and never will. All the collective experience, strength and hope of tens of thousands of Clean recovering addicts too often isn't enough. And it hurts.
I know some must die that I may live. Yet it hurts.
I believe my God has a plan, and in his plan he can lead each to the water of hope NA has to offer yet each has the freedom of choice to drink or drink not. And I see so many choose not to drink and it hurts.
It's a truth that I can live with, because I know each has their own path and are free to choose. It can be no other way. But still it hurts.
But along with sorrow there is joy. Seeing embers of hope flicker brightly as they face trials emerging from the dark into the light of the NA Way and a better way of life. While some embers fade and die out, others grow stronger and stronger becoming roaring bonfire beacons of hope to other suffering addicts. In this there is joy tempering the hurt.
My heart sorrows yet it is full.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
It is a sad truth the most people who become drug addicts will die from their disease. Most people will not find recovery. We in NA are the lucky ones.
Hey Mike ,thanks for share,yes when I watch my 24 year old son,on 125 mg's "juice" and also his girlfriend,listen to them talk of "don't need the program"only 5% ever make it,mindless robots,and on and on I can only pray,lead my life ,GOD CENTERED AND WORKING IN THE SOLUTION AND CONTINUE TO CARRY OUR MESSAGE OF HOPE AND OUR PROMISE OF FREEDOM FROM ACTIVE ADDICTION(YES FOR ME THAT INCLUDES Methadone)Each one of us responsible for our own recoveries and it took me 25 years to reach Step 1 ,so there is always hope.I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL,each morning my eyes open to another clean day and ready to continue working,asking God of my understanding how I can best serve this day!!Have a blessed and productive day!tYPING STINKS AND FONT HAS TO GET bigger ,cause even with my specs need larger,ahh the joys and blessings of aging!!tryuly blessed to be aging,naturally!!!
-- Edited by MIKEF on Sunday 16th of January 2011 10:45:08 AM
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.