At times reflecting back to my active drug using years ,a concept ,not profound,but seemingly entirely foreign to me, was that of thinking of others before myself(can anyone feel that?),my total self centeredness(the core of our illness,my illness)and my journey to now,by God's grace in helping love grow. As I pray for an understanding of my Higher Powers love for me and how to portray it in my marriage(3rd at that)and practice that love of God that is shined on me,...I now look at one of my desires as to making life "easier' for my spouse.The other tougher side of that love is for us to challenge each other to act in Godly ways...Man ,that sure has made a difference in some of the trials that we have and will continue to endure.I do believe love will grow when we think about that love(and work at it,just like our process),pray for it and practice it.Kind of sounds like some spiritual principles huh?Thank you God as I draw nearer and thank you Narcotics Anonymous for showing me "a new way to live" striving for selflessness instead of selfishness!Believe me,for this hardhead is certainly takes work but the fruit of the endeavor is so sweet....
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Truth that. Nuf said. While reading thought of the newcomers at Home Group tonight and was trying to imagine myself reading that 30 years ago when I first got here, would have been baffled, would not compute. NA is such a gift, so much more than just not using.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA