Joys of not only another day clean and working God centered and in the solution but feeling excitement for New Year ,if so graced by God,beyond this day...I say "being Powered by God, with the "soldiers of life"and thousands s of addicts to the right of me and thousands of addicts to the left of me,marching into the valley going forward with the message of our primary purpose"staying clean and carrying our message of recovery to the still sick and suffering! Even when it gets dark,I believe God will bring great treasures out of that darkness,we won't waste our trials,we will seek to learn what God is teaching! ,I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ,I JUST WANT TO BANG ON THE DRUM ALL DAY!! We can all look forward to drumming up the "solution" to whatever life throws at us!We will never doubt in the dark,what our Higher Power has shown us in the light...Definitely on fire for life as spent most part of this day,so far, seeking my Higher Powers presence and feeling the love.,now I am going to share it!!!Have a blessed and productive day living and sharing the NA WAY!......
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Hey Mike Happy New Year,yeah can't seem to resell my power cymbal(craigslist),so I can buy a new one ,but spent last part of afternoon taking down tree and banging my brains out in between!! ahhh so relaxing!! (wife doesn't think so ) :)
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.