This day brings many different emotions to many different people.Through faith and trust in our individual Higher Power's grace and mercy for us we can share the love God has for us with others even when it is "very dark".I wish everyone peace and serenity,that you can find,by placing your trust in that Power.Have a blessed and productive day,holiday season and share the gift of love with those who still may be sick and suffering.Truly a day to remain,humble,grateful and joyous in the knowledge of another day clean through the working of spiritual principles in our lives guided by the God of our understanding..Thank you all for your continued support and sharing of your ESH in an Narcotics Anonymous way,it has truly helped me on my journey ,a day at a time.. Merry Christmas and happy holidays..Now let me see ,wonder if I got that 20 inch Power Ride Z Custom Zildjian Cymbal as a gift.. wow this one is heavy :) :) honey is this for me..!!!!.................
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery. that a type of skidoo or a musical instrument? Sounds like something fierce!
Merry Christmas to all, or not, depending on your pleasure, or you mood, or your belief system---"whatever" :)
The point being how awesome to be clean & sober this day---and any day. Each day I come to see more and more the essential power of the spiritual awakening. No human power could have relieved our addiction, but God (or a power greater than Self) can and will, if we but seek.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU