I have this person who is staying with me and says he is trying to help me by saying I don't need my meds that I deal with things by medicating he says he conquered it without but i don't think he realizes what he is saying or how he is saying it I just wanted to help now I am being yelled at on my bday and this day has been the worst bdsay ever October 14th 37 years old I will never forget the verbal abuse and so many times I wanted to tell him to get the f***out but him being next to me as a friend has been nice I like to cuddle which I have not liked for most my life well guy leaves in less thatn a month to go home I realize i am powerless ovre him but i should be in control of my home seems like we fight moer than anything else he willl find himself out faster that he could even phathom saying i need to get out that part might be right but in my time not his!!!!!!!!!!!!! any suggestion in love so not to burn a bridge would be welcome!
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Given your history Manon the idea that someone would tell you get off meds is irresponsible. Where did this guy get his medical degree? I have no advice as to how you should feel or act about him, but you have a good doctor (finally) and you should listen to him when it comes to medical decisions not a temporary house guest. love you sweetie.
Be true to yourself,Manon,you are responsible for your own recovery.Medical people should make medication decisions.Sometimes we are willing to take "less" because we just want to feel something we yearn for but in the long run we need to play the tape all the way back and use our lucid judgement of what works for us now.While in the grip,our thoughts ,actions were twisted but in recovery ,with help,we can make much better decisions.Thanks for sharing whats going on,its how we stay well!!! In support...and happy belated birthday(it may not have been the best ,but by God's grace its another day of life!!!! im with Don,who is this guy???? Honesty is your best bet in response to his input in "your" life...my 10 cents..........
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Everyone's giving good feedback here, thanks for sharing Manon. I hope everything goes well for you.
For me I have enough struggle dealing with my own intensity. When there isn't enough structure in my life I tend to struggle against the confusion. This program was the first thing Itried to control and fight with that kept being the same no matter what.
Manon - how goes..I am with Avid - you have a doctor..listen to your doctor..As far as relationships..I could talk till I'm blue in the face with some of my truths..but honestly - you have to walk thru your own truths and they may be hard lessons..from experience when there is anykind of abuse, verbal, mental, emotional or physical..It is unhealthy. Keep walking and you will always find your Truth for you.
Manon,I agree with Avid ,where did your friend get his medical degree , you know what benefits the meds do for you and only you. But as in any decision weigh all the pro's and con's .Take care.