My 24 year old family member and his 23 year old girlfriend have decided to have the child she conceived, I am very happy for them. Most here know my situation with this family member a hard core Opiate abuser and so is his girlfriend. He is on Methadone(100 mg a day and she on I believe 50)They are now talking detox down ,especially her ,and getting completely free from the juice....After a 2 month period of no contact with either of them(after most recent robbery of our wedding rings,etc)I am glad that my heart wasn't hardened to the point of leaving them"dead to the family' as was dominant in my Italian family,not so much my parents,but their parents.My God always has me in the realm of forgiveness anyway and I live my life learning to 'LOVE' YOU EVEN WHEN i REALLY MAY NOT LIKE YOU,A VERY ,VERY HARD concept for this addict(grudge to the grave mindset early on)I still kep them at a distance because though I must forgive,I do not forget so rapidly and I still hang onto some of that street mess!!!(daily work here)I wanted to share this with you and free myself knowing that no matter what I believe "love can conquer all"..I now have my 23 year old daughter pregnant and due in May and also my other family member.I am already a great grandfather from my mid 40 year old children and my 20 year old granddaughter..My wife and I are just looking at each other and our hearts are smiling,,my golden years look as if ,If it is God's will,to be very busy on weekends!!!! I am so grateful I can find the strength to move aside ,instead of rant like a madman(par for the early course) and just take life as it comes,knowing I have been graced by God to still be here at this time ,to continue the adventure!!Join me in a moment of gratitude,prayer and thought.How blessed are we,that we have ,by God's grace and the process of recovery through Narcotics Anonymous been allowed to let things happen and "see the full fruit of labor of love that lives in the harvest and always comes in the right season.!!! Have a blessed and productive day!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Congratulations to you and your family! You inspire me Mike by sharing your life.
I see alot of people who don't believe in that and I hope that works for them. Guys like you who make it comfortable to share my life in the open help me to find recovery.
Sounds like you went through some very serious soul searching before posting this. I hold that in high regard, and wish you and your family the best of luck.