I am overwhelmed by all the procedures for my health and my mental health wondering if it will ever slow down God Ihope so but what do you do when you are so angry at the god of your choosing you have lost faith?things just keep coming I feel like george bush dodging those damn shoes where is my god? not secret service but the one who said he wouldn't let me suffer?
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Manon,,, please, hang on to your faith! We all have our own concept of the "God" of our understanding and how we improve our conscious contact and pray for knowlege of His will for us. Many people quote a saying"God will never give you more than you can bear"This is really a secular statement that has been taken out of context and relates to a spiritual writing that states in short "there is no temptation that isn't common to man ,but in that temptation God will not let you be tempted more than you can bear without giving "you" a way out of the temptation..My faith beliefs tell me God will always allow me more than I can bear to ensure I place my trust and faith in Him who can bear all.It is a hard concept ,and many good people have been given more than they can bear.An even harder concept for us is to not see our trials and burdens as an indication that God doesn;t love us, but just the opposite,he loves us so much He wants us to rely on Him and endure until the end..Just like faith ,these are easier things to say then to do. One of the definitions of faith I always revert to is"faith is being sure of what we hoped for and certain of what we have not seen"!Ours is a spiritual program,not a religious one but even our 2nd step literature tells us"there will be more pain,but none of it will be more than we can bear as we develop our sense of trust in the process of recovery and our Higher Power.(Step working guide)You are a fighter and I know we get worn out from the battle,I know I do,but each day we can start again,count the blessings we have and rely on that Higher Power.We are more than free to feel any emotions we have with our"God"thats the blessing of our own concept,and it tells us in literature our HP need only be loving and caring and greater than us..I share this out of love and relating to where a lack of faith can lead us...I hope things look brighter tomorrow ,if we are graced with that day. In times of pain I remind myself,(for me) that for His namesake I suffer.....peace my friend!Hope you feel better.....
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
When did your God said He wouldn't let you suffer? I never heard anyone say that before. Pain and suffering are a part of life. What sucks is that some of us have to deal with way more than anyone should. I don't know if there is a medical answer to your pain. I truly hope there is. But there is always a spiritual solution. I'm not pretending to be such a spiritual giant that I could endure what you go through with peace of mind. Hell, I can't even go through what I have to deal with gracefully, and your suffering is certainly worse. I only know that when I was without faith my pain and suffering were much worse. I truly believe that through faith I can lessen my burden. Anger, bitterness, and hopelessness are like throwing gasoline on the fire. Faith, love, and acceptance are the gifts to ease my suffering. I will pray for your suffering to ease.
Manon: I decided along time ago that just because I'm angry with "God" doesn't mean I don't believe, it doesn't necessarily mean that I don't have faith. It can just mean that I'm angry in general, at my life, situation, the world! I'm angry and feel safe enough to turn it towards those I can always count on NOT to leave me, and to be there NO MATTER WHAT when I'm through being pissed. I get angry at some point with everyone I know, but I work through it. It's just easier to stay angry at God because God just lets me do what I do and has faith that the free will he gave me was the best for me.
I hate when people tell me I'm right where I'm supposed to be, when I don't want to be there. So I won't! Thanks though for sharing.
Three guys were given crosses of wood to carry for 10 miles.
And while two of em bore it in good stead the third got tricky.
3 sawed off a bit after 2 miles while 1 and 2 just struggled along.
then 4 miles later 3 again sawed off a bit from the long side, so the burden would be less to carry while 1 and 2 just struggled along.
Then after another three miles, 3 began cutting off some more from the long end and 1 and 2 said it may not be wise to do so, but 3 ut it anyways, so the burden got very lessened.
The at the 10th mile it happens so that there is a canyon to cross,,, while 1 and 2 laid their crosses over the canyon and crossed over, 3 had shortened it too much to cover the distance...
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
Manon - Sometimes we just got to get down and dirty with God - truly tell him how pissed you are - scream, yell and its even ok to cuss - see that is your truth - thats all he wants you to do is bring ALL YOUR TRUTH TO HIM - as crazy as that sounds - its pretty humbling when we are done and be still - takes practice - but it is ok to yell at GOD - we don't have to be prim and proper - "we are all but filthy rags" he wants us come to him as lowly humans as desperate humans as one totally in the depth of sorrow - there is nothing joyous about that state - until you come forth - Trust in your truth - no matter what it looks like or sounds like - Go to your HP