I only did it once at one and one half years clean,with my sponsor and two others.We got the fellow and got him in a detox,he got clean did well for almost a year,then relapsed,but has kept trying.
Hey Tisa! was just over a week ago,Friend came up from city out of a detox that he just was admitted to few days before.His girlfriend chairs our Monday night homegroup and called me,we picked him up,i brought him to a town about 1/2 hour away so he could get his clothes,brought him back to the house.I gave him 4 dollars for bus fare for next day,said he was going to check in rehab.Got a call again two nights later,girlfriend frantic he picked up again,we got him down to emergency intake and he was admitted,now in a 30 day program,He has been in and out and has a lot of med issues also(seraquil,trazadone,paxil etc.)He just celebrated 4 months night before he went back to city,I had shared at a meeting he was involved in across river from where we live.Going to see him tomorrow,see how its going,girlfriend says he is doing okay but time will tell...This thing don't play,im not sure he is ready only he knows that and will have to do the work...take a moment to reflect on the still sick and suffering,,, only by the grace of God there goes anyone of us!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.