Will and Guy Suspect British Law is Crackers. The 1875 Explosives Act, currently in force in the UK, apparently considers Christmas crackers to be covered by this archaic law. This means that an 'explosive' cracker cannot be sold to minors.
This law was shown up to be so stupid when 22 year old student, Heather Walsh, attempted to buy a box of 10, for Christmas Day in her local Marks and Spencer's in York, England. Asked if she was over 16 years old Miss Walsh, who has an University degree was told the 'crackers were classed as explosives', Will and Guy have learned. She was told by staff that they were 'protecting me by not selling me them and they suggested that if I was left alone with the crackers I couldn't be trusted and might blow myself up.'
You couldn't make it up and we think that this law is definitely CRACKERS.
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