I would describe my time in recovery to be tough but definitely worth it. I would also let them know that I have more self worth than every imagined and my dreams are endless yet possible. Recovery has be the best thing I've ever done for myself..
just my thought
people who mind don't matter, and people who matter don't mind- Dr. Seuss
Mines kinda rollercoasterish LOL ubt i wouldn't give any of it back for a minute, life SUCKED before i got clean my whole life has changed thats exactly what i tell them.
Recovery has been an experience, and as with any experience what qualifies as good and bad is the result of my ideology . Its the meanings I make out of events, incidents and peoples actions and my own thoughts and feelings, based on individual learning, bias, pride, prejudice, wisdom and such like.
It is difficult to quamtify in one line what that experience has meant; indeed meanings have changed as I grow and go on in my recovery to more clean time.
However, I'd like to say to the newcomer that there is an old adage in NA , and I quote it " The best day of using drungs is nowhere as near as the worst day in my recovery !!!"
I live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
Hey Tisa! for me I think our literature says it well enough and I do share this"lostdreams awaken and new possibilities arise!Its like ive had 3 separate lives,before ACIVE ADDICTION(up untl around 12)during ACTIVE ADDICTION UNTIL AROUND 38-25yrs)and in recovery ,coming up to 62yrs old-_25 yrs clean next month..I am pursuing "dreams " I had before the plunge and during my ongoing recovery.We always say to the newcomer"you dont have to live like this anymore" Believe that!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.