Wow. Im sitting here drinking my coffee and start profile hopping. Getting to know everyone a little better; no real specific reason for it. I look on my own and see that Ive only been a member here since August! It feels so much longer to me! Being that we are all so far away from each other and dont have any physical contact, it amazes me daily how close I can feel to perfect "strangers"!! I put that word in parentheses because I dont see how we could ever remain strangers. If we are all reading each and every post, getting inside each others heads, hearts, and lives... wow I just dont see how anyone can say this isnt as "good" as ftf?
DOnt go crazy ya all.....I UNDERSTAND the need for physical contact and working the steps with someone in person etc....really I do! I just wanted to tell all my new family I love them this morning!!! To let you all know how appreciated you are. How important this board is to me....I dont know, I guess Im just feeling really really emotional today? I go to lawyers office this afternoon. Ive been thinking about this day for 2 years now.Jotting down every little thing he did in contempt of court. Preparing for this fight. Cant even tell you how obsessed with this I am! Ill check back in after I see what this lawyer has to say! wish me luck. no I take that back, pray for me... luck has nothing to do with this!
Hey Carol! feel the same way about the forum I am also a "newbie" here.Good luck in court ,breathe deep,reflect on what you are doing,try and filter out resentments(cause they make us nuts!!)and get ready for battle.My spiritual readings tell me "to put on the armour of God" each day I approach the world. Thats what I try and do..We'll be thinking of you!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.