Me , in an attempt to get out of self and work on faith I put my last 100 dollars in the 7th basket . It was promptly stolen by the chair person who hasent been seen since.
Talking with sponsor , writing , praying taught me empathy . It wasent about the money , it never was . Its about sick people . Its about puttng myself out there . Its about being available to the newcomer and the oldtimer. It is about seeing myself in the sickest behaviors I witness and not running. Its about diving into problems , feelin them , fondling them ,tasteing them and smelling them . And then walking out the other side with a solution.
It was the best 100 dollars I ever lost. Im praying for that addict that took it. I know what hes going through.
The fundamental delusion of humanity , is to suppose that I am here and you are out there .
$100 here too...sent to my daughter to help along the way. She lost her SSI recently and is struggling, but is still employed part time and overall doing quite well. I am very proud of her...she's been through a lot and is not a drama queen at all...just takes the hit, the hurts, and keeps on truckin'.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU
I would probably say the homeless man thats outside the 'FAMILY DOLLAR" where I stop on monday nights to refill the coffee supply for our group meeting.I usually give him a couple bucks ,go thru my small ritual of asking if he would like to get other help(social services,make a meeting etc)He always politely smiles and says ,not right now its just been a rough day.Kinda of reminds me of "Mr. Wendall from band "arrested development, JOINT goes kinda like this, HERE BROTHER HAVE A DOLLAR ,NO BROTHER HERE HAVE TWO,TWO DOLLARS DONT MEAN MUCH TO ME BUT IT MEANS A LOT TO YOU"GO HEAD MR. WENDALL!!may sound silly and I know I should rather bring him to get something to eat but thats how we do it.....By the grace of God there goes I...My heart is filled the times we meet and I offer it to my God.....GO HEAD MR.WENDALL!...........
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery. last act of kindness . Has to be the 100 bucks I gave to my son to get to drill.( he gets and gets and gets lmao) In non-monetary values,it would have to be just being kind and christian like in my responses to the ex's new wife. She has accused me of really rotten things and called me names.....etc... I took a deep breath and asked for guidance.Then I wrote back in kind, to the point, words. I have to say that that was the way to go! :)
Probably someone I take to see her husband in Nursing Home.It has taught me to be humble helping others.Taking addicts to meetings and doctor appointments.