As my son argued with me couple days ago about "im doing the best I can"( as day before banged up a bundle,running with 2 active users,stealing from stores and returning goods for $$$ and missing all his psych appointments,selling his suboxone for a fix or $$$)I wanted to scream ,but instead I told him I loved him ,hated his disease and we need not communicate any further until he decides where he wants to take his life.I am continuing "detaching with love"and getting on with my own bag of tricks.The "process is helping me go deeper in letting go and continually working my 3rd step!! Principles before personalities,,its big, but it works if you "constantly work it!!! Have a blessed day Tisa!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
I have to practice principles before personalites,by finding the good in somone rather than the faults.We all are a little different,faults are a human trait.