I am grateful that, despite my best efforts, I am still alive and kicking, hale and hearty.
I am grateful that I have a home today, and that my Son is here with me.
I am grateful for this site, which, at times, is the only recovery in my day.
I am grateful that my landlady changed her mind and allowed me to have my little kitten, Kiki, who provides us with comedy relief and warm, fuzzy snuggles.
I am grateful that I have a job and am able to work.
What are you grateful for today???
I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!
I am greatful for today, that so far I am clean. I am greatful for God, that He still loves me even when I didn't love myself. I am greatful for this site, and all the wonderful people here that help me more than they know. I am greatful for my husband and my son. I am greatful for my son's unconditional love. I am greatful for my freedom from "jails, institutions and death". I am greatful that I have a home.
"...To weather the storms of tomorrow, you've got to have strength today."
I am grateful I am getting my life back I amgrateful for new friends that I am getting to know I am grateful for my mother for helping me set boundries I am grateful for pen and paper so that my thougts don't have to stay in my head I am grateful for courage and resilience I am grateful I acn live life without drugs JUST 4 TODAY
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
I am grateful to have a roof over my head and food in my belly
I am grateful that I have 5 healthy children to love and who love me back unconditionally
I am grateful for the 100% remission of my best friends 3 yr old grandson who has leukemia. He will always have it, but in remission it is like saying we will always be addicts whereas as long as he takes his meds he will be fine.
I am grateful for this site as it IS my only source of recovery.
I am grateful that my friends here KEEP reminding me that it might not be enough for me at this point !
I am grateful that I am ALIVE after the head on collision I had in '07
I am grateful that I was able to walk again after said accident
I am grateful that I was reminded today to be GRATEFUL
I am grateful for so much today that if I started a list I'd be here all morning. Right now I am grateful for vacation--on my way to pick my sister up from the airport. We both have had such a journey and now such healing, including in our relationship, thanks to our respective step programs.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU
i am greatful for life. i am greatful for this. i am greatful for you. i am greatful for a shower. i am greatful for mcdonalds. i am greatful for a roof over my head.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."