I really can't remember.I have people I have tried to help,but you can't make them come in out of the rain.I ran into an ols aquaintance last week in my old how town ,he kept asking me if I could get him a substance.I haven't done that substance in over 15 years.Plus he was doing this in the hometown hardware store.I have known thw owner since we were children.I had to tell him off and tell him he is a lost cause and to wake up and smell the coffee.My store owner friend let me leave by the back door.Thank God he was at the store.Easy escape.
Most immediate my 23 year old son,,,,,.When i got clean(1984)the few that are still alive,that I see........I try to live the 'PROCESS" MY SON THINKS I AM PUSHIN IT ON HIM,others from way back still aint ready!!(man thats scary!!)
hope your well tisa! talk to you on the rebound......
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
The last people I harmed was myself, my son and my husband-Heck, I probably harmed those I didn't even realize I have harmed-I was so far in addiction the only person I thought about was ME. It makes me want to cry to know how selfish and self-centered I was. I did alot damage to alot of people.
"...To weather the storms of tomorrow, you've got to have strength today."