I have been here over 3 years I have had my drama no lies here I have good memories and bad shared pain and love for ppl in recovery now once again I need to make ammends WHY? my DRAMA has landed in my lap and this is not the msg I want the newcomer to see this is a safe place to an extent thatn you have to do what it takes to make you feels safe. I am so sorry the past 3 weeks the DRAMA has been so high alot because of what is in my previous posts as well as my life being spelled out by another all the way down to my recliner and the poems that I can't seem to find. Camel light smoked in a yucky ashtray.......... Again please accept my AMMMENDs
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Drama is something that we became attached to (addicted to if you will) but it feels like it follows us around (which it does as it's part of our disease). When we realize that the drama is in our head induced by our self centered fear and inaccurate perceptions and not neccessarily attached to people, places, and things, we are on our way to removing the drama. It's true that we do attract and are attracted to dysfunctional people and we interact with them in a dysfunctional manner (I got a LOT OF HELP with this in Codependents anonymous and reading John Bradshaw books) and through our Desire to be a victim (that's right it's a choice) WE victimize ourselves to bring on the familiar feelings that we are attached to. For me, the beginning of my recovery in Coda, began with setting boundaries for myself and others, recognizing my dysfunctional behavior and ceasing it. I stopped treating relationships and sex as a drug and a crutch. I decided to stay out of relationships for 2 years and work on myself to become the healthy person that I eventually wanted to attract. After that 2 years of hard work in ACOA and Coda, I took my sponsors advice and stayed away from the people that I was "naturally" attracted to and hung out with people of high ethics and moral character even if I thought them to be boring (boring is good, safe, reliable, healthy). Drama lives out on the fringe. Drama comes easy with the easy come and easy go people. There are plenty of red flags when we choose not to ignore them. Today I recognize red flags in the first couple sentences that people speak. "Have a nice day" I say as I walk away.