The life you save may be his/hers. I've got almost 22 years clean(6/16/87) and I'm having a tough time right now with just some life stuff. I've got 5 sponsorees right now,all of whom call regularly and all of whom are working steps. I'd be nuts right now if not for those guys.
Funny that you wrote that. I've spent most of my 22 years going to meetings (20 years clean and sober 7/25) without sponsees. I've always felt that when I wasn't feeling good and solid, all the way around, that I should be focusing on myself instead of sponsoring
Take a penny, give a for sponsorship, I try to just do what seems to work best at that point in time (after trying to listen for HP's message for me). I give myself permission to carry the message, and to receive the message, in many different ways.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU