My mind ismessing with me pretty bad right now, Im unsure about alot of things, almost unsure of what is reality and what is just in my head....lucid dreams nightmares mix with my days and just very restless and feel close to somekind of a wd symptoms are still pretty bad but right now at this momentmy mental health feels like its slipping away again.....sorry, just venting to get these thoughts out o my head....need to take a walk for smokes but just have no energy to move like that and a little scared that if i take a walk ill end up "going out"......feeling trapped......anything from going deep into this depression......ideas?? i need a distraction.....
we might die from medication but we sure killed all the pain, but what was normal in the evening by the morning seems insane
Hey man, I hope you did the right thing tonight. This is where and when you should call someone you trust or feel comfortable talking to so that they can try and talk to you and keep you from "going out".
Ride it out it will pass, drink lots of water eat some sugar and try to hold some food down take hot showers or baths a lot of them and most of all pray for the strength and willingness to get through this first rough session.
hey, it a couple hours later, my mind has calmed a bit, just a little depressed i think. thinking too much....J, i did NOT go out, although i did get smokes and some candy. BigV, the hot shower did help ALOT, the candy too! Thank both of you from the bottom of my thawing heart, J i hope all went well for you tonight.
we might die from medication but we sure killed all the pain, but what was normal in the evening by the morning seems insane
Hope u stand fast and ride it through, it's all part of the journey to the rainbow that is our new life, and this new life is mega-better than the old life.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU