I am sorry I know you guys are sick of hearing about my Pastor and his retirement well today was the day. Last sermon was really a great one of the best he has done. He stood up on the pulpit in Authentic Lutheransim way and said: I am your Pastor, and I am human and if I have caused anyone grief, hurt or pain, or offended anyone I want to ask for your forgiveness and I will forgive you. I am sitting in the back like wow I want that humbleness like he just did. Now this man for his last sermon today at the 11 Am service had 300 people there. Which usually we have 125-150 at that service. He said I hope most of you will continue come back. Now after the service as many of you know I have six months as of the 12 of November. I had been planning this since last month doing this to him. We were in line to give him a hug and say farewell my friend. Well it came to me and I am sitting there crying and I took my blue key tag and I said to him, "I have been told, I can't keep what I have, without giving it away to another and I want you to have this." I said you have walked with me through this path a long time now only to watch me go and fail again. He was so touched. He said keep doing what you are doing. Then we had a potluck lunch for him today. Which I went up to him again and said Thank YOu so much. He took it out and read it, He said six months congratulations. Stay on the right track. He has walked most of my path with me. But this is just opening a new door for me. Yes, I am saddened by losing him as a spiritual advisor, but also happy he can give to his wife and family finally all of him which they have missed out on for so many years of his service to his other families. Too bad I can't get him to speak at my 1 year anniversary next year. I couldn't have done six months without him showing me what God looks, and acts like with all the love and kindness and compassion he has shown at one time a homeless addict who was in so much pain that she would have rather died than live.
Awesome Shannon. If he isn't moving out of town, I'm sure that he would speak at your one year anni.
I did my 5th step with the Catholic Priest, that had married my first wife and I. My mother (32 years sober) knew that he was an old timer in AA. So I went looking for him to do my 5th step (December '89). He had relocated about 40 miles away. I tracked him down and asked him to hear it and he agreed. I'll finish this story the next time someone is getting ready to do their 5th step (does that ever happen in here? lol). It was a very moving experience to say the least.
You know this guy is so important in my life it is not funny. Love that he is my Pastor and that I had such a good relationship with him. I am having some feelings of lost. I know he hasn't died or anything but a sense of unrest is all I guess. I am an addict. He knew that my sponsor was right for me before I even got a chance to tell him. LOL..... That is the funny thing. I loved him in just the fact he accepted me for the person I was and I am now. He was a lot like my dad to me. He really touched a lot of people's lives.