I had a shit-ass bad day. My mother-in-law is a greedy, cantankerous, lying, lazy b*tch...yes, I just said all that with a straight face. Anyways, she and I got into it today; my family now lives in her house and I'm rather stuck having no money and no friends down here. My options: leave my husband (whom I love) and find someone to send me money to get back to Ohio...or suck it up, save my money, find a place or go back to Ohio.
I had a job interview this afternoon. I've submitted no fewer than 100 applications since I've been here. I've got all kinds of experience, a degree, plus I'm a really good employee...so my first and only job interview was today at a local pizza place. The general manager was interviewing me, grilling me about certain things, and it was just a bit much. But I just got honest, I ended up being so inspired and uplifted by this woman. She was telling me things I'd hear in a meeting: this too shall pass, keep your head up, have faith, be grateful, hang in there things will get better...I was blown away. I ended up crying and this woman hugged me. She hugged me when I started crying and before I left.
She put everything I was dealing with into perspective and turned my attiude around...oh and I got a job~!! Nothing fancy, I believe I'll be delivering pizzas (in a place I don't know the streets no less!) But it's something, and that woman is amazing.
My Higher Power works, that's for sure~!
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." ~Oscar Wilde~
That's wondeful golden! I believe that if you fix yourself good things will happen to you. ANY job is a great place to begin restoring yourself. Everyone has to start, or start again somewhere. And old Dale Carnegie saying is that if you want to get paid more for what you do, you have to do more then what you get paid for. Work hard and doors will open up for you!!!!!
Thanks for sharing, Goldie. Your faith is refreshing. I have been in the same dead end job for over 5 years because it's such an easy job! I work only about 2 hrs out of eight, I can do whatever I wnat in the extra time. I have hi speed internet, cable tv, I can read, do step work, or talk on the phone. But there are few other benefits and low pay.
This week end a friend who works at a local treatment center told me they are looking for a few people. I have the qualifications and the references to get the job. The pay is more than I make now and the job has great benefits. But my mind says, "What if you don't like it as much as the job you already have." You know, most places expect you to WORK for your pay. I was already lazy, my job has really magnified this character defect. So I haven't even applied yet, I'm still trying to convince myself that it's what I really want. The truth is I'm still locked in fear, afraid to try, afraid to fail, maybe even afraid to succeed.
Your situation makes me feel ungrateful. I will pray for the courage to step out and try something different. Even if I fail, I won't be much worse off. Thank you, Godlie. You helped. Big NA Hugs.
"With a sweet tongue of kindness, you can drag an elephant by a hair." ~Persian Proverb
Thanks for sharing family. To take out the dark grey 'lead' that the boring, humdrum and monotonous daily chores of life seem to be, and to transform them into shining gold is what the alchemy of our program is all about
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.