So here i sit with 13 months clean, going over the past in my head...wondering which is bad for me to do, what my life would have been like if i was not an addict. I stop and have to give thanks to my addiction for allowing me to see the real person that lives inside of me...I have to thank what i did and where i was for making me who i am today...I love me today...My life is still not perfect nor do i want it to be where i am is exactlly where i am supposed to be and that is a feeling of free...I can answer the phone to private number, open the mail that i don't know who it is from...I can even pick up regestered mail who would have ever i still have reservations in my head not about using but about some of the decisions i make i find myself daily trying to take my will back and think i can live on my terms..what a suprise did i methion i am an addict....That way of thinking still tries to slip into my head and i like to act out in my old behaviors and the insanity i tell myself is sometimes well i only have to be willing to have my defect removed and if my hp didn't take them well then i better use them...just writing that saure puts things back into perpective for me than even with the time i have and the hard work i have done...THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO DO!!!!! i was told to keep coming back and that i will do and today i will really look at why and what is holding me back!!! I wonder fear of success, fear of failure that fear word scares me and has two meaning Face everything and recovery or F**k everything and run. Run is the last thing i want to do... Why is the second year so much harder? I feel like i am right back at the beginning!!! Today i need to just pray for this feeling to leave for my reservations to be surrendered and i need to get my A** to a meeting, no more of this i am to busy crap or i am to tired those are my addict excuses and i can use them well but they are only holding me back from growing so much greatter in recovery...i need to start taking my own advise and do the things i tell others to do....I have embarked on a new set of steps on a diffrent addiction i hold and need not hold back i need the strength and gudiance to just DO IT!!!!
Remember its not where we have been its where we are going in life that matters...God bless
I wonder with you as to what that's about. I'm not there yet but am quite interested in recovery in general. I wonder if others have hit that spot as well? Maybe an expectation that when I get to this point, then I won't have to....... kinda thing? Just thinking out loud there....
Hi keri-lee, Thanks for your post. I think it is absolutely a part of recovery to go through peaks and valleys emotionally and spiritually. If it weren't for the dry periods in my spirituality, how could I apprediate those times when I experience a growth spurt, or when God seems so close? I must remember that emotional and spiritual valleys make it possible to recognize my personal and spiritual growth. What's important is how I respond to these times in my recovery. I have found that if I just keep on doing the right thing for the right reason, eventually the times of refreshing come round again. It always seems darkest before the dawn, so hang in there. Hold on, help is on the way! Big NA Hugs!
"With a sweet tongue of kindness, you can drag an elephant by a hair." ~Persian Proverb
I've hit so many damn spots, runners call them walls I call them B.S and spiritual sticking spots lol.
I try to not go back to the past anymore no more wishin just put my butt into action the best i can and look to today and stay out of tomorrow.
This too shall pass keri if you allow it too get to a meeting puts things back in perspective , I hit 2 last week plus one here and need to keep going back forgot to go last night didnt go tonight putting to many other THINGS first.
Just hang in there tomorrows another day if to many days are bad do some serious inventorian and make some changes to your program.
I don't think there's a recovering addict out there that hasn't experienced exactly what you speak of Keri-Lee~!!
I like to think and express myself in visual terms...I used to say I like communicating in metaphors. So here's a couple I thought of...
Picture yourself, your spiritual life, perhaps even your relationships, at the very start of your recovery as a newborn baby. Newborns are defenseless, totally dependent on others for everything, frightened easily, unsure, and very vulnerable.
As the newborn ages in the first year think of how many wonderous changes there are! Each day practically, their facial features change, they grow ounce by ounce, pound by pound...soon able to move large muscle groups, smile, coo and laugh. Their eyes become brighter, they pay more attention to their surroundings, soon learning to roll over, then crawl and walk! There are so may first times in that first year of their lives, first tooth, first solid food, first night they sleep through, first laugh, first holidays, on and on.
By the second year, they're getting into stuff, touching things they shouldn't pulling things off shelves, perhaps even getting put into time out. They are starting be expected to listen, to behave, to go potty in the toilet, even put on their own clothes and whatnot. There's starting to be pressure for them to act a certain way.
Then year three comes along, there's preschool, learning to read, learning about life. It's all hard at first, things get easier with repetition and see where I'm going with this...recovery is no different than us re-learning how to live...we've lost the capability to live life on it's own terms, and now we've begun a process, a change in how we want to live our lives. It's not that quickly accomplished, and it's not that easily done.
BUT compared to the hell we lived, we choose recovery because it's a whole lot more appealing to us than going back to the insanity of using. The worst part about our situations versus an actual baby...the baby doesn't put expectations on itself. Sure the parents might, or the teachers, but kids don't learn how to degrade themselves until they are taught that what they've done isn't good enough. We have such high standards on ourselves, we expect to be able to do certain things...damnit, we're adults aren't we~!!! Yeah, we are physically, but emotionally, spiritually, mentally, we have a lot to learn, a lot to practice, and a lot to do. other metaphor, much shorter...pain is miracle grow for recovery~!!
-- Edited by ItsAllGolden at 10:55, 2008-10-01
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." ~Oscar Wilde~