my high power,(God), grant me the serenity to accept the past, courage to change the present, and the wisdom to know the difference between your will and mine. Amen.
i use this in my everyday life. not just as a addict but my personal life too. when i got cancer this prayer come easier for me than the real serenity prayer. but i say that whatever helps you stay clean for another day. the real serenity prayer is: god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cant change the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference. but the god part you can also use our high power too. you can also write me at im doing better. thank you all
i teach private martial arts to kids around here. its fun but i have a few more months before i get back into the real thing but its ok because i teach my son and daughter which i love. everything else is doing ok. i have bad days and good days.