pg 22 BT "Surrender means not having to fight anymore. We accept our addiction and life the way it is.WE become willing to do whatever is necassary to stay clean, even the things we don't like doing." I know for me that there still gives me hope to follow this simple program as addict we have learned to make every thing so complicated when to fully get this program it is a simple act of surrender and acceptance. I hope this phrase givees you the hope and courage to go on Just for today. For me when I heard i did not have to fightr any more no more struggles on "what do I do" just follow these simple suggestions that is all it is .But I have fought one way or another all my life and now I just let go. the act of surrender some ppl think that it means yyyou are weak but to surrender your adiction takes humility as well as courage and many other thing. So do not think you can handle "this" I learne I can't but WE can. Manon aka Rayne
Thanks Rayne for that awesome share on surrender and acceptance. Glad I read it too.
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.