we as addict are not responsible for our diease but are responsible for our recovery as well as our actions our behaiviors and the 12 steps helps us find a way to see opur wrong and a way to promptly admit it. when I first came in the doors in 1996 I thought thjis was all abvout me just recently in the past couple years I havwe realized NO ONE is going tro cosign my BS the first timje some one told me that I thought to myself (who the hell are you) but as time went by I began to understand this is niot about me at all it is about how I can help the still suffering addict and to carrty the msg not only by mouth but by practicing all these principles in all my affrais after awhile ppl see the program working within you and that is more imporatnat that lip service anytime. To admit we are all human and made to make mistakes is not easy but I know for me my expectations have been to high which left me face to face with my disease ready to use no matter what I lost sao I talked to my sponser who has 21 yeasr plus and to my suprise she had been here too. I guess it is just nice to know we are never alone