I am planning to participate in the online meeting for MIP on Sunday am at 10 but I have no idea how the process will work online. Is there anything that I need to do to prep. for the meeting or should I just show up in the chat room at 10am. Secondly, I used to be involved in what we termed a 'feelings group' in which feelings were discussed and feedback obtained regarding how we were feeling on any particular day physically, emotionally and spiritually. We did this 'live' once a week at someone's house. That is the 'short' of it. The long of it is much more involved than that but I will leave the details for later. The live feelings group eventually disbanded and I am missing this kind of interaction as it was a pillar of my recovery. Does anyone know of an equivalent process online?
Sunday 10 AM EST Meetings have not been taking place from a couple of weeks as I was off to my hometown to visit my father who is down with cancer and has underwent a surgery. I apologise for the inconvenience to you and to all who were deprived of this sunday morning meeting here.
I assure you all that I will definitely keep the chatroom open and this meeting on every sunday, starting from the coming one, to the best of my ability. These meetings have been working wonderfully well in the last few weeks, and I would request all to participate in these sunday morning meetings by being there with us and share their experience, strength and hope.
Charles, you just need to enter the chatroom at 10 AM EST on Sunday Mornings to make these meetings. And believe me, these online meetings are no different from face-to-face meetings for me, and we each are free to share our feelings for the day too as it is a very important part of our daily recovery. We can share whatever's in our minds and hearts at these meetings. Hope to see you at this Sunday morning meeting and look forward to share your experience, strength and hope
Hugs, Love, Light ~ Tahir.
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.