Just wanted to share the experiance i had the other day during my help line shift. The man who called said that he was on the fence as to weather or not he was an addict, thats exactly how I was when I came to my first meeting. Someone reminded me just after my one year that the first time I was asked to read at a meeting I said "my names Sandra and I'm in denile but I'll read anyways" lol.This man had me on the phone for an hour having a riviting conversation about how his life was so unmanagable but he was totaly in control of his using because it was only pot. It was just like I was talking to myself from a year and a half ago. I had several amazing moments of joy as I shared where I came from and how I felt before I came to NA, he was blowen away as I spoke and thought I was telling him his story with out even knowing him. Thats whats so amazing about this program, it dosnt matter where we come from we can all relate to the feelings that come with being an adict. I have been strugeling a little lattly emotionaly and the feeling that I got when I hung up the phone was just so freeing. Not only did he remind me of how far I have come but the sence that I helped someone that was struggeling like I did was so comforting.
I dont know who said it first but I herd a phrase here a while ago that rings true to me today.
Doing service work is like wetting your pants, everyone can see it but your the one who feels the warmth!
Sandra, thanks for sharing that. That would be awesome feeling being on the helpline for other suffering people... I have also felt like that, the feeling of true contentment from having been of some use to another human being, and a sense of purpose that all that pain of active addiction was never a waste... that it's a treasure trough from which I can always draw from, both for my own recovery and for helping others by sharing my experience, strength and hope with them.
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.