Always considered myself Alcoholic as I never picked up anything unless I was drinking.
Didnt do a great deal of drugs, smoked alot of pot and drank between the age of 18-21 then drank more and got into diazepam big time. and tamazipams. also dyhydro codiene.
about three years ago when i didnt have enough money for booze so was just taking lots of diazepam, I called "frank" for help, but they didnt want to know.
anyway, ive been off the booze now for nearly 2 years, however last week I took a months worth of diazepam in 3 days. It was not like me, as soon as I got it I felt great, and rushed out the chemist and gobbled them down. was too much like taking a drink.'s a simple answer...Welcome Home! Narcotics Anonymous keeps it focus on the disease of addiction...not a drug; we even consider alcohol to be just another drug. As far as eligibility to are a member when you say you are, it's that simple. Asking iyouself if you may have a problem is a very good indicator that there is a problem. To find a NA meeting in your area go to there is a bunch of literature available online as well as in can find the online stuff at is Narcotics Anonymous' home page.
Keep coming back! Lon
Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.----Alice Mackenzie Swaim
Cheers everyone! gosh i feel nervous!! I have come off the diazepam now. still taking lots of dihydrocodiene, morphine and other drugs such as prozac, my A.A sponcer tells me to come off the prozac because i will not "have a spiritual experience" my friend told me of a time when another sponcer told his sponcee to come off antiphycotics (excuse spelling) within a week he had jumped off a bridge. a.a's are not sponcers.
If I go to a N/A meeting would I be welcome? what is the difference?
Well there's more tatoos at NA meetings, at least the ones here in California, and that just the women.LOL. NA putsWe in front of all the reading of the steps. We don't talk about drugs except to qualify. We talk about the Disease of ADDICTION and how if effect every aspect of our lives.
As long as you have the desire to stop using, you are welcome. "Our reaction to drugs is what makes us addicts, not how much we use." BT p.5 Also, as our literature states, once we admit we are addicts, help becomes possible. I hope you aref idning the help you need.
I just read your comment concerning psych drugs. We are not Dr.'s and in our NA basic text it does talk about times when we have to take medication..the Chapter More Will be Revealed. The only requirement for membership in NA is a desire to stop using.