Whats a girl to do when every thing in step one the compulsive behavior ,manifestation ect... keeps me stuck right there how do i get it out on paper when im just what is speeks of UGH!
Suggestions please ...im stuck in the behaviors in step one how do i write it out on paper .dont get me wrong im close to 2months sober ive got a real good sponcer im in a sober living house do a few meeting yet getting my behaviors out on paper they have me stuck i no longer live in denile or at least i seem to think so.anybody ?
To work step one, I had to get real honest about my addiction to drugs, including alcohol, and how it was affecting my life.
I had to look at how often I was using, what I was using, when, where, with whom, and of course the consequences of using.
I had to ask myself whether I thought it was really possible for me to "control" my using, i.e. use only occasionally in a way that was not destructive,
or whether using for me would always lead back to using all the time, compulsively, obssessively, destructively.