This was typed as Bob dictated to me. I typed as fast as I could.
Bob J. says his spleen weighed 20 pounds. Bigger than 3 babies. They removed it and surgery went exceptionally well. They had to make an 8" incision. His doc says it's the biggest spleen he has ever seen. He has IV's everywhere and those blowup things on his legs for circulation. But he is sharp as a tack. He says his mouth is dry because the evil (but good looking) nurses won't give him anything to drink. He really, really wants a Diet Coke. He's in intensive care and will probably be there fore a day or two, then to a regular room. He's offering a huge reward to anyone who can sneak a Diet Coke with ice in. (Is there an addict in the house?)
He said to say thanks to everyone for all the support and prayers. He says he has spent the last 5 days talking to people from all over the country.
Bob wants to tell everyone that if they see Howard, talk to him and give him a gentle hug cause he has been with Bob nearly 24 hours a day for the last week. And God bless his wife for putting up with him being gone all the time.
When he got blood yesterday at the specialty clinic, the nurses at the clinic gave Bob big hugs before he left. He says that this isn't so bad after all. You know, sponge baths and all. He's already had many visitors and looks forward to seeing anyone who cares to come up.
He says he can't believe all the love and prayers from his NA family as well as his church family and of course his FAMILY family.
tami from omaha"
All is well, God still has a purpose HERE for Bob.
PS Thanks for the prayers and your concern.
-- Edited by Lon at 23:29, 2006-03-01
Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.----Alice Mackenzie Swaim