Two of my favorite lines in our BT and very pertinent for this addict are (1)'Complacency is the enemy of those with substantial clean time,if we are complacent for too long the recovery process then ceases..........(2)The progression of recovery is a continuous uphill journey.Without effort,WE start the downhill run again,BUT theprogression of the disease is ongoing even during abstinence.....So for me,though I am not making as many meetings as I did 29 years ago I am ever reminded of how I can become complacent in many areas of my life still, and my illness is just arrested and meetings not only allow me to share my ESH with others but I also remain teachable and most always find something that helps me in my daily life. And I find it is important for my sponsees to know that I find value in attending meetings no matter how much time clean we have ,as we know clean time does not equal recovery...I enjoy STEP meetings and constantly go thru the STEPS with my mind on application guided by my Higher Power.....,it is my daily journey and some days better than others and like we are told sometimes our clean time is our greatest asset and for me right after God's guidance......
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.