If, after a period of time, we find ourselves in trouble with our recovery, we have probably stopped doing one or more of the things that helped us in the earlier stages of our recovery.
Basic Text, p. 95
Surrender is just for newcomers, right? Wrong!
After weve been around awhile, some of us succumb to a condition particular to oldtimers. We think we know something about recovery, about God, about NA, about ourselvesand we do. The problem is, we think we know enough, and we think that merely knowing is enough. But its what we learn and what we do after we think we know it all that really makes the difference.
Conceit and complacency can land us in deep trouble. When we find that applying the principles on our own power just isnt working, we can practice what worked for us in the beginning: surrender. When we find we are still powerless, our lives again unmanageable, we need to seek the care of a Power greater than ourselves. And when we discover that self-therapy isnt so therapeutic after all, we need to take advantage of the therapeutic value of one addict helping another.
Just for today: I need guidance, support, and a Power beyond my own. I will go to a meeting, reach out to a newcomer, call my sponsor, pray to my Higher PowerI will do something that says, I surrender.
I am in real need of the Higher Power today I am faced with a parent on his death bed . I am feeling that feeling of no control over what's happening , but I am not going to use No Matter What ,I have come to far in my recovery to do that .I lost my Mom a few years ago , I told her when I got clean 8 plus years ago that I would not use drugs again , only one's the Doctor gives me for my medical conditions .I am praying to God and the Higher Power today for me and my family .
In prayer and support CD......WE will definitely face trials and tribulations in our recovery. You are at work in the process knowing that using will not be the answer...May God grant yout that serenity to "accept " the things you can't change(control) courage to change what you can(how you accept things in God's grace) and the Wisdom(you are sharing that wisdom here, knowing using is not the answer)I will lift you and your family up in prayer..Let us know how everything is going.....
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
I pray for HP's guidance every day.
I believe I get it. I don't always heed the message, but He does send it.
My life is sooooooooo much easier when I pay attention.