If I had been for 32 years Clean the results woud be . I don't go to 2 and 3 meetings a day still either. Living Life in Recovery is much more than that.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
No I do not. Sometimes once a month other times less often..,I actually speak more with my grandsponsor then my sponsor,We share a spiritual relationship that encompasses our personal faith beliefs. Actually all 3 of us do...........Both my sponsor and grandsponsor have almost 10 years less clean time than I do(20&16) and my sponsor years more time then his sponsor(my grand) not that it makes any difference,, it is truly one addict sharing with another and living the NA way and we help each other along our journeys of daily recovery..I have felt no need to get a face to face sponsor since we left New York almost a year ago although I do miss the face to face at times.......We continually do Step work with each other but most importantly the continued application in all areas of our lives to the best of our abilities and are just a phone call away...
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
No. I call him about once a week. We meet in person about once every 6 weeks. We see each other at meetings and go out afterwards with NA members twice a week.