Tonight we have a scheduled online NA meeting in our room tonight at 10 p.m. eastern time, so please join us and help carry the message of Narcotics Anonymous.
Please try to keep in mind that we have two meetings scheduled per week at this time. Tuesday and Saturday nites at 10PM Eastern time, and we will add more meetings to the schedule as members with 6 months or more clean time, that attend face to face meetings offer to take a service work commitment to chair one meeting per week. Also, try to keep in mind that if the meetings are not being supported by the group, then they end up taken off the schedule, so try to show up and be supportive of the meetings we schedule, okay? Your participation is valued and appreciated by all of us.
Reminder: The group will select two topics and the chairperson will submit one. Try to stay focused on the topics, however it is okay to share outside their scope if it will help you stay clean. Please try to limit share time to 5 minutes. To share, raise your hand using the ! mark, and refrain from cross talking while another member has the floor. You will be called on in the order your hand went up.