During our families spiritual time together yesterday our theme 'Forward In Faith" from our spiritual writings said' I'm eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to each other". In our program of Narcotics Anonymous it is also so true that WE work together as one addict reaching out to another in a loving and caring manner. Through Sponsorship,the fellowship, we seek to encourage each other also and in turn, with the God of our own understandings guidance we can share our Faith in our spiritual principles that take us from HOPE to FAITH to TRUST. WE remember as our 12th Step reminds us though,our spiritual awakenings are evidenced by the changes in our lives,and our message of Faith and recovery is meaningless unless we LIVE it. As we live our lives ,walk our walk and not just our talk,our lives and actions bring more meaning than our words or literature ever could. If you are new here today or just coming back,Welcome, if you been around for a few cups of coffee,Welcome!Moving forward in Faith is also a progression,a choice we make, a day at a time. Today, to the best of our own abilities, WE can choose to move forward in FAITH= being sure of what wehoped for and certain of what we have not seen. Just For Today,with God's continued grace and mercy,WE will be unafraid,our thoughts will be on our new associations,people who are not using and have found a new way of life,as long as we follow that way WE have nothing to fear. . And a last thought from our families spiritual writings also tell us"Two people are better off than one, for they can reach out and help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help, but someome who falls alone is in real trouble. No matter what we must remain willing,honest and openminded to reach out for this help. WE make a decison,an action Step to move forward ,time for me to get to my spiritual work for this day praying and taking action to move forward....
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Yooo, what's up avid? Saw a good movie about broken relationships and failed marriage. It's called silver lining playbook. I highly recommend it, a very uplifting movie!
Peace out
We all got well we don't need it much anymore avid HEH HEH
I'm slacking myself but i usually catch it before I miss to many meetings, need to change my spot and go to other meetings home group gets old and drab but theres lots of friend I just got to visit there and laugh, im gauranteed a few good laughs in a short amount of time there and sometimes thats all i need to finish the day out.