I know there can't really be a long conversation on here; but, I am starting my 11th step and I was wondering if anyone had any experience, strength, and hope for me. Thank you
Step 11, a wonderful place to be...a journey to find our own spiritual path and to enhance that path through prayer(communication with this Power)and meditation(many forms of how we attempt to get closer to that Power).I personally do not have my eyes opened each day without thanking God for another day of life and a short period in reflection on our 3rd/11 Steps before I get out of bed.Prayer and meditation are personal, and how we choose to pursue them is our own decision.Like our literature tells us IMPROVING our conscious contact is not a mysterious journey implying a Cosmic Union with our God, it only means we have a conscious awareness of a relationship with that Power.Think to the times when you have seen and felt that Power in your life,many different scenarios here and different for each one of us. At this stage of the Steps, thru practiced application in all areas of our lives,we have already meditated and most likely prayed(communicated)These principles were developed and built upon in our 2nd(coming to believe)and 3rd(turning will and lives to care of)and our previous Steps...We are trying to avoid our acting on self will here and is main reason we pray for knowledge of Gods will for us.Again WE are told in our writings that God's will for us is the ability to live with dignity,to love ourselves and others,to laugh and find joy and beauty in our surroundings.From my own personal Faith beliefs,I learned that God's will for me is to be all God wants me to be but the decisions are left up to me..Simple,not profound and a direction I try to move toward daily thru Gods guidance and work in the process.And last WE pray for the power to carry all this out.Even when we may not be sure,,, our spiritual principles of Faith,courage,trust,honesty,integrity etc help us to know our Higher Power will supply just what we need,something WE have been applying since early in our daily work.Keep coming back and help us in our daily journeys of LIFE free from active drug addiction and the application of our programs spiritual principles in all areas of our lives,Just one day at a time....Peace,love and serenity!!!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
For me step 11 was about having God in my life as a constant companion. By praying and meditating often, I found that I began to consider God's will before impulsively jumping into things. Not all the time of course, but as my spirituality grows my reliance and TRUST in guidance from a benevolent higher power also grows. It makes life easier to have a power greater than myself to turn to. Good for you for making it this far.