Hello:) Just signed up today so not sure how all this works. I've tried attending meetings in my town but I live in a small town and at the most 3 people show up and its not been much help. I've been addicted to pain pills for almost 3 years now. I was on suboxen for a few months which really helped but ever since I stopped I've been using again hardcore. I feel so broken. Alot has happened over the last few years and now I feel its time to take the steps to make a better life for myself. I'd really like a sponsor just someone to talk to whose been threw this. I tell myself every night that this is the last day and yet I find myself using the very next day. It's ruined my life. I have no friends. I feel like I've become someone I dont recognize and I just want help. I used to be so full of life! Now I can barely get outta bed in the morning. I just wanna get threw this and I feel like I need help otherwise I wouldve done it on my own by now. I'd appreciate any advice or help. I just wanna be sober.
Welcome. Try going to meetings again. It worked for me and has worked for millions of others. Even a small meeting is better than no meeting. Addiction is more powerful than I am. I need the help of other people (real, in the flesh people) to stay clean. Keep coming back and don't use no matter what.
Hi Riley, Welcome! My name's Mike I'm a grateful Recovering Addict. Face to face Meetings are the core of NA. It doesn't matter if there are 2 or 200 at the meeting the therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel. When I was new there were only 2 small NA meetings a week in my town. I hit them plus AA meetings because 2 meetings a week was not enough. There were occasions I was the only person who showed up - I'd open the meeting anyway reading all the usual meeting literature, read some more NA literature for awhile and close the meeting. Gradually NA grew. One Day at a Time NA Works if you Work it. By the Grace of God through the Power of NA later this month I'll have 32 years worth of One Day at a Times Clean.
Keep Coming Back, it Works!
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
I am an addict named Mike...Perfect Step 1, make meetings,listen for a sponsor,Just For Today,don't use no matter what,work on Step 2(Steps worked with a sponsor)make the decision to turn your will and your "lives" all of them( AS A father,son,brother,friend,employee,etc).to the CARE of whatever Higher Power you come to believe in and do the work,'DAILY" WE can truly identify and are here to share our experience ,strength and hope on how we remain free from active addiction a day at a time.WE have a simple solution for complicated people, Narcotics Anonymous has helped maany addicts find a new way to live,our message is HOPE and our promise is freedom from active addiction,not a magic bullet,takes work but it works if you want to work at it....Keep coming back.let us know how your doing..Thanks for the help today,ever reminding me I am never cured but I do recover a day at a time
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.